What is a .NET API, and what can it do for me?
An API is an Application Program Interface. Our .NET API is an interface between OutsideView and any .NET compatible language. This has huge implications as it means events occurring inside OutsideView – or external to it – can be automated and integrated using the latest object-oriented languages such as C++, C#, etc.
OutsideView has always provided a scripting capability, such as our Visual Comm Basic (VCB) macro language, to automate user actions on the workstations. The .NET API, though, goes far beyond the limitations of VCB. The .NET API allows full integration of OutsideView with external applications, via object-oriented languages.
See .NET Case Study #1 where one early adopter of the .NET interface developed an automation layer that reduced a daily, error-susceptible, manual 3 hour process to an error-free automated process requiring only 10 minutes.
What are some of the other events you can do with the .NET API?
Integration aids to merge multiple sources of data.
High data rate transactions.
Productivity aids for things like specialty logins.
Wizards for installing software or configuring the NonStop.
Data extraction from running legacy applications.
.NET custom programming services.
Whether you help your users by automating repetitive activity or through sophisticated data manipulations and integrations, the .NET API offers advanced, non-proprietary tools to get the job done.
We’ve created a complete tutorial series of 15 videos to help you harness the power of our .NET API.
The series starts with an introduction: Introduction: .NET Application Program Interface
The entire series of .NET videos is here.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Sales Engineer, Jim Hampton by email jimh@crystalpoint.com or phone 1-425-806-1141